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Angelina Blasich has been developing and facilitating workshops, retreats, and community based programming for over 25 years. A licensed social worker, educator, innovator, business woman, and performer,  Angelina offers diverse and dynamic programming to meet a wide range of organizational, academic, corporate, and community needs.


The Ridiculum Curriculum: a Guide to Purposefully Ridiculous Growth and Leadership inspires innovation and positive 

risk-taking by breaking down barriers to individual and group progress.


Purposefully Ridiculous Professional Programming is recommended for everyone on general principle. 

The need for joy, inspiration, and connection is rather universal, therefore workshops and events are encouraged across industry and can be adapted to meet your needs.


Purposefully Ridiculous offers trauma informed, special needs, and anti-oppressive programming.

Community Based Offerings

Stimulating interactive programming recommended for Caregivers, Families, Community & Youth groups, Residential communities, Nonprofits, and Human Service organizations.

Healthcare Offerings

Stimulating interactive programming geared toward the special needs facing: Hospitals, Medical Centers, Emergency Services, Hospice, Skilled Nursing & Adult Care Facilities, Senior & Enriched Housing, Clinical Education, Mental Health Providers, Community Health Services,  Adult Day Health Care & Day Habilitation Services, Recovery Programs, Disability Services, Residentials, Service Coordinators, Clergy, and all other levels of health service/healing worker.

Education Based Offerings

Stimulating interactive programming recommended for K-College Faculty & Educators, Administrators, School Support Staff, Counselors/Advisors, Social Workers/Therapists, School Board, Learning communities, After school programs, Enrichment programs, Families, Community & Youth groups, Residential communities, Nonprofits & Human service organizations

Corporate Offerings

Stimulating interactive programming geared toward promoting innovation, supporting staff efficacy, and encouraging ongoing development in the corporate sector. Provide memorable community outreach events. Recommended for professional in Engineering, Technology, Business, Marketing, Product Development, and Design.

Art Offerings

Creative self expression for no reason other than to express oneself creatively… ahhh tis there nobler a Purposefully Ridiculous pursuit?  Take any and every opportunity to make art and share your vision with the people around you, maybe even yourself. Sometimes expressing yourself in a new medium can free up expectations and perceptions of ability. Let's make some art!

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